Monday, June 30, 2008

Here comes the, do, do, do

I am soooooooooooooo sick of reading all these articles about how we should slather ourselves in sunscreen if we are going to step outside just to get our mail. I understand the risk of skin cancer, and the link between it and sunburns...but come on. Do you really think that we cannot allow our skin to ever see the sunlight again? I have always felt that the warnings about the sun were because I love to sit in the sun (it is on my list of top 5 favorite things in the world) and partly because we have been in the sun as a species for thousands of years (our bodies have to use it for something). As a matter of fact, it is unhealthy when we don't allow the sun to shine on your body. Did you know sunlight actually decreases the risk of certain cancers including: pancreatic, lung, breast, prostate, and ovarian? The Moores Cancer Center at the Univeristy of California, San Diego (UCSD) states that nearly 150,000 cases of cancer could be prevented in the US alone just by allowing more sun to kiss our skin. Not only that by sunlight helps us sleep better, provides mood-elevating effects, suppresses overactive immune system, and lessens Alzheimer's symptoms (Kotz, 2008). The FDA released their report on the skin cancer, skin aging, and sunscreen last and said, "FDA has tentatively concluded that the available evidence fails to show that sunscreen use alone helps prevent skin cancer o premature skin aging. Thus, the anti-aging, skin cancer, and sun damage claims proposed by the comments would be false or misleading due to lack of sufficient data in support of these claims." (FDA, 2007) Just search for yourself to see all the research that proves how beneficial the the sun is. While the Vitamin D (the beneficial vitamin we produce when being in the sun) can be taken in supplement form, it is possible to overdoes when taking it that way (weird), but certain food also have Vitamin D to help us during the less sunny winter months.

Another thing that really pisses me off is the sunscreen industry...yes, I wear sunscreen when I know that I am going to be at the river all day because I don't want to burn up, but I feel really guilty when I get in the water and I see the toxic puddle of sunscreen that has come off of my body and is now in the water. Poor aquatic life...always having to deal with my choices of what I am putting in the water. And have you ever read the labels on a sunscreen bottle? I don't I even want to get started on that today...I am going to lay in the sun!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Californias a burnin'

Well kids, we are on fire over here in Cali! Last night a fire jumped the Trinity River and the South Fork to start even more fires that are threatening houses and closed Hwy 299 for a couple of days. The smoke is so bad at our house that we cannot see a couple of miles away...and we are expecting more lightening storms in the next couple of days that could start even more fires. I was interested in seeing just how many fires there were across the state and found this map from the Department of Forestry, along with some interesting statistics of resources being used to fight these fires. The really bad news is that we haven't even hit the peak of fire season yet, and this happens to be a very dry year...I hope we don't just burn away this summer.

Total Fires: 1,211
Acres: 193,470
Contained Fires: 266
Personnel Committed: 11,322
Fire Engines: 458
Hand Crews: 225
Dozers: 224
Water Tenders: 278
Helicopters: 68
Air Tankers: 14
Statistics Provided by Department of Forestry, California, June 27th, 2008.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So, Andy and I were looking through my baby pictures when we were in Arkansas...and it seemed like I really didn't look like a lot of my baby pictures. I was having a really hard time seeing "myself" in the pictures until we turned the page and saw this picture...we both just started laughing so hard because the look on my face is one that I still give when I am pissed or if I think you said something really stupid. Poor Andy has seen this look many times, and for those of you that have been my friends for a long time, you have also probably seen this look.
PS-Check out that 70's lamp and couch in the background.

Here is another one that is pretty funny...yes that is a Schlitz.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

From one end to the other

Hmmm...I just skimmed over my last blog and realized how long ago that seemed; it is just that my thoughts have literally changed course so drastically. I guess that would have to do with our amazing trip to the city and the crazy shit happening here in Nor Cal. First, I will tell you a little about our trip. We got to visit with the parents, Noel, and Scott for a few days. The original plan for the weekend (which involved a beer festival and meeting up with Arkansas friends) ended up falling through at the last minute, so we ended up taking a walking/drinking tour of Chinatown, downtown, and the SOMA districts of San Francisco for Friday night...lots of fun until I woke up at 8 the next morning with a horrible hangover. All I could think was, "Please don't let it be noon, right now!" (Our check out time). Luckily it was only 8 and after a few more hours of sleep I was ready for the day. We hung out in Golden Gate park all day on Sunday...there was all kind of stuff going on and so many people out that day. We looked at lots of art exhibits, visited the Japanese Tea Garden, listened to a little symphony, played on the beach, and enjoyed some good beer at a brewery that is at the end of the park. We got to celebrate father's day late with the parents and enjoy lots of good roast beast (beef). It started to get kinda crazy from here...the night before there was this really crazy lightening storm that started 840 fires in the area. It was pretty hazy in Santa Rosa, but as we headed north the smoke just kept getting thicker. It got so bad at one point that you couldn't even see the hills surrounding 101; we just listened the the public radio station the whole way up listening for any road closures or evacuations. Luckily, we made it home safely only to find out that the D E A and the F B I have set up shop in our area for some crazy week long bust. It just feels kinda crazy here with everyone freaking out about the fires and the busts going on. I don't even remember what the hell I was worrying about last week...

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Why oh why do I get soooooo wrapped up in personal drama? I have been stressed out for the last week thinking about the relationships and drama that go on between myself and others (and drama between others and others). I am not sure why conflict between two human beings can consume my thoughts for so much of the day...I have found myself many times this week, doing really great stuff...but am still thinking about those conflicts. I never used to be this way; my motto for many years was "Fuck It". If you can't talk about it with the person or work on resolving it, then there is no point in wondering what he said/she said. Maybe I just have too much time on my hands right now. There is really not much going on my mind at this point in my life, so I must just be looking for some type of "entertainment" to keep myself from getting bored. Uggggg, that can't be good. I need to read a good book! Oh well, we are headed out of town tomorrow morning for a visit to Andy's parents. Noel is on his way here from Portland as I type this...and we will leave out of here soon. I am also hooking up with a friend of mine from Arkansas that just moved to the Bay Area this year. We were on the Pom-Pon squad together in high school (yes, I was on the Pom-Pon squad) and haven't seen each other since then (I think). Maybe I will be distracted enough to not even think about what other people are thinking.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

War Pigs

Wow...we just got finished hearing the band next door play War Pigs! There is a fund raiser in the park right next to our house with live music all day, and the first band was this rock cover band that has been rockin' this neighborhood since noon. There are lots of festivals in the park, but usually the first band is a mellow or smaller band. Not this morning...hard rock first thing! We are going to grill some food and hang out with friends in our yard and listen to the live music all day. We are soooooooo thankful that it is a beautiful day here in Blue Lake!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's been a week?

I can't believe it has been a whole week since I posted my last blog entry...the time really has been flying by. It is June already, and the pendulum that I live by is currently in the "desperately wanting a job" phase right now. I have been applying to even more jobs this week...kinda. Let me back up a few days: We went to the city for a weekend visit to help Scott move into his new apartment, and ended up having sooooooooo much fun. Andy, Mary (our friend who also doesn't have a job), and I left Thursday for the bay area. We hung out in SF that evening and met up with Scott later that night to explore his new neighborhood. We ate Chinese and drank some beer at the local tavern...both places were OK, but the next morning (after moving all his stuff into his apartment), we were driving around looking for a good breakfast place when we turned the corner and this big, beautiful, brightly painted building called us to it. We thought it was Mexican place and went in only to discover that is was Salvadoran...similar, but oh so different. I randomly ordered this thing called a pupusa, and my life has not been the same since. It is the Salvadorian version of a corn tortilla that is stuffed with beans, cheese, and/or meat. All I could think of was the time my friend Shannon had discovered hush puppies for the first time and shouted, "How have I never had this before?" We ended up eating at that place the next day and we attempted to make our own pupusa dinner once we got home. But, back to the trip...we drove up to SF after our amazing breakfast and played in the Yerba Buena Garden playgrounds (which have the fastest slide I have ever been on), got in trouble for playing in the Yerba Buena Garden playgrounds (I guess we were way too old), visited the Museum of Modern Art, got in trouble at the MOMA for spinning too much (I guess we were too old for spinning too much!?!), ate Indonesian food, drove down the crookedest street in the world, visited Pier 39 and ate really good chocolate, barked at the sea lions, and went to this fancy little bar that infuses all their liquors with crazy fruit concoctions. Overall, it was a very successful trip. Thank you San Francisco!