Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scott is almost here!!!

Yippee!!! Our good friend Scott is almost here...he has been driving across the country with all his stuff and kitty to move to San Jose. Andy, Mary, and I are headed down the the Bay area tomorrow morning for a little fun before he arrives, and then we will help him move into his new apartment. We are so glad to have even more friends that will live close to us...well, hopefully we will actually get to live there sometime soon. Anyway, here we come Fluevog store, MOMA, and Indian food restaurants!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not so many margaritas

Monday turned out to be a much better day...we ended up only making it to one Memorial Day cookout here in Blue Lake. Our friend Daryl invited us to some of his friends house who happen to be our neighbors, so we rode our sweet bikes over to the party and had a great time. We ended up only knowing 3 people there so we got to meet a lot of new friends. And we both only had a couple of beers so there was not repeat of yesterday :( I had a lot of cherries so I got to make this really yummy cherry custard dessert with graham cracker/pecan crust! I am feeling good today and successfully applied to 7 (yes, 7) jobs! Applying to one job takes a pretty big time investment because each company has their own online form they want you to fill out...I sometimes wonder why I even made a resume since no one even wants it. Oh well, I am off to do a "job dance" (kinda like a rain dance) to increase my odds at getting a job.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Too many margaritas

Ugggg....what a day! The sushi party last night was a success (mostly); we got to hang out with our friends, Melanie and Ben, for the first time in months. I can't believe that we only live 5 miles away from them, but don't get to see them that much. We got to catch up last night over yummy rolls and never ending margaritas thanks to Ben. I have been paying for last nights fun all day; I am never drinking again. (hehehe) Just like I said I was never going to talk shit about people again...and what did I do last night? Talk shit, and it bit me in the ass. My news years resolution was to stop talking about people in a negative way. But after a few drinks, I was talking to this really sweet girl that I thought had broken up with her not so sweet boyfriend. I was making fun of him and saying how good it was that she wasn't with him, and then she told me that they were still together and had no plans of breaking up. Geesh, how embarrassing! On one hand, I don't feel bad about being honest about my feelings. But, I do feel bad that I made her feel uncomfortable all because I wanted to make fun of someone. That is exactly why I made that new years resolution. Well, all that I can do is learn from that situation and try a little harder next time the urge comes along again. I guess I am going back to my couch now...I still feel really yucky!

Saturday, May 24, 2008's Saturday!

We actually woke up early (8:30am) this morning and got down to Farmers Market to beat the crowds...lots of people are in town for the Kinetic Sculpture Race that started today. We got to see a few of the sculptures getting ready for their safety checks. There was everything from a simple snail to a very complex hippo that had moving jaws, ears, and even had someone hanging in the butt area that was playing a marimba. The race will go through Arcata today and will enter Humboldt Bay tomorrow morning. I think we are going to watch the water part of the is always interesting to see how the creators plan to float their sculptures. Well, we are off to a sushi party. Great for my tummy, but not so great for Andy's (he hates fish). As an added bonus for my feet, I get to wear my new boots that I got from Mr. Fluevog after winning "the contest"! Oh how I love these boots! Happy Memorial Weekend!

Friday, May 23, 2008

We're home.

Well, it was a wonderful trip to Arkansas; it was the first I had been back during the spring in a long time...and I loved it. My yearly trip is usually at Christmas, when it is very cold and all the trees are brown. Spring in Arkansas is in the 70's and all the flowers are blooming. We got to have parties outside, play horseshoes (and snake ball), go to a "hillbilly" theme park, walk outside at night, smell honeysuckle (oh the honeysuckle), and just enjoy hanging out with all our wonderful friends. I will never go back again during Christmas, I am going to change my yearly trip to the spring time...I remember the last time I went back in the spring, I ended up staying the whole summer because it was so much fun. And this time was just the same. I am putting some of the pictures in an online album on Flickr for those of you that want to see pics of all the things we did. As much fun as we had, we were glad to return home (so was our kitty). The next morning after flying home, we both felt like we had a vacation hangover complete with headaches and sore muscles. We have recovered now and have just been enjoying being home...our garden even had some strawberries for us to eat. Now, we are preparing for the Memorial Day weekend. There is a crazy kinetic sculpture race that starts tomorrow, lots of Bar-B-Q's, and the Stanley Cup Playoffs begin.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I have so much to write about in this little online journal...we have been in Arkansas for almost a week now, and we have had soooooo much freakin' fun: graduation parties, BBQ's, Silver Dollar City, and lots of fried food. But for now, the only thing that I can talk about is Bubblesoap. What is bubblesoap you ask? It is only my favorite website that has been out of commission for the last few years. I randomly search for it every 6 months to see if the creators put it back online, and guess what I found about an hour ago? Now, this site is not for everyone...but for those of you who are easily entertained, Bubble soap is the shi-ite. The best game on there is the mixulator: click here. You can make your very own song with your keyboard and the site has all these great animations to go along with it. If you are bored online, check out the site...there is lots of random weird crap to look at. I love Bubblesoap!!!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another beautiful day

We drove down to the Eel River today to meet Andy's parents and some family friends that flew in from Michigan. It was the only time that we would get to visit with Bill and Gaye (the family friends) because we are leaving soon for Arkansas, so it was a great opportunity to just relax by the river, have a picnic, and laugh with friends. Bill, Gaye and the parents have been friends for about 30 years...and it was a lot of fun to watch them play. I hope that I get to have all my friends for that long! So we can tell each other the same stories over and over and still laugh at them. Our picnic included bacon (did you think anything else would be acceptable?) was in the burgers and on the cornbread. After lunch we sat in the sun on the Eel River and I got to take my first underwater picture with my camera. The water was so clear and beautiful that you can see pretty far behind me in the picture. The water was perfect and the sun was freakin' hot...until we drove back home into the fog. Now we under the "fog curtain" and it's cold here in Humboldt. Andy and I can't wait to fly to Arkansas and enjoy that warm sunshine. We leave Wednesday!!! And as an added bonus, our friend Mary is coming to stay at our house while we are gone...our kitty is going to be sooooooooo happy.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sweet Success

What a wonderful Sunday...Andy, Andrea and I laid in the yard all day and drank Olympia (because it was the cheapest and we discovered yesterday at the cheap beer challenge that no one can tell the difference in cheap beers). It was a good recovery from the bacon party that included lots of cheap beer, bacon wrapped asparagus, bacon wrapped jalapeƱo poppers, bacon wrapped shrimp...and lots of other random bacon stuff. My cake turned out better than I imagined (see pics) and our friend Abby brought over these amazing bacon cupcakes with maple syrup icing. I know, it sounds really weird, but they were the best thing at the party. I will have to make them soon. My cake wasn't really a was a savory cornbread cake with potato/sour cream frosting. I made this beautiful bacon lattice top to decorate the top. Yummy! We even at it for breakfast with fried eggs on top this morning.
As for the cheap beer challenge, almost everyone was guessing wrong. Therefore, the final conclusion is: There is no difference in cheap beers so just buy the one that is on sale.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Yes, the bacon party is so close even has an official name: Bacon, Beer, and Bocce. We are making bacon wrapped shrimp, bacon/sweet potato biscuits, bacon/artichoke dip, bacon deviled eggs, and bacon cake. I heard a rumor that Shannon is bringing bacon/apple cookies. I guess it isn't really a rumor since she told me herself. Anyway, to all my friends in the area, bring any thing else bacon infused, crusted, or wrapped that you can think of. Also, bring your favorite cheap beer (at least a tall boy or two) so we can have the "cheap beer challenge". There will be prizes for the beer masters who can successfully pick out the most correct beers. You can also bring whatever type of non-cheap beer you want. Saturday is supposed to be really nice and warm, kinda like today...I got to lay out in my yard and soak up some rays. I need to work on a base tan before Andy and I get to Arkansas...because I will actually get to wear tank tops and shorts and I don't want to burn. Us NorCal kids don't really get to see the sun that much and when we is not usually warm enough to wear tank tops and shorts at the same time.
See you all on Saturday at the party; and I will see all you Arkansas kids next week.
Here is one of our favorite comedians sharing his views on bacon: Video Link